Going Greener

Hey Ocean Lovers! You may have already tackled these, but here are a few relatively simple ways to improve the health of our oceans.
  1. Refuse the single-use plastic straws. Try a reusable straw or even a paper straw. Plastic straws make their way into our oceans and are mistaken as food by marine life - mostly turtles and sea birds.
  2. Refuse the plastic bag for groceries. Invest in an inexpensive reusable bag and keep it in your car.      
  3. Similarly, stop using plastic water bottles. Find a good, refillable water bottle that you love and take it with you.
  4. Become a recycling guru. Learn the recycling rules for your community. Share what you learn with friends and neighbors.  
  5. Be diligent about cleaning up your area when you're leaving the beach. Hold your surfside neighbor accountable too.
  6. Our cool, beach-loving canine friends, want to do their part too. Did you know that there are compostable doggie bags? 
  7. Hang your beach towel to dry and use it a few days to cut down on water usage as well as cleaning chemicals in the water system.
While we can't always be perfect, set a personal goal to adopt one greener habit per week or per month. Then tell your ocean-loving friends!

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