Environmental Enthusiasm High at Coast Day
The University of Delaware's Coast Day is an amazing event for the environmentally concerned ocean lover! Our sincerest thank you to everyone who stopped by the Maristella Mission booth to hear our story, to share our excitement, and to purchase our environmentally friendly apparel! It was an awesome day! We are grateful for your words of encouragement as well as your interest in our mission!
As many of you know, we sold out of the blue long sleeve - Perfect World Shells shirts! These shirts have been reordered and will be back in stock in the next two weeks. Please check the Maristella Mission website for availability.
Interestingly enough, on Sunday's ride home, we got to talking about our trip to last year's Coast Day and in retrospect believe that last year's Coast Day was instrumental in the creation of Maristella Mission. See our story at - "The Assignment - Do Something to Change the World".